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Andrea B.

Over time we don’t seem to even see that catch-all room or junk corner … that is until Rebecca shows up.  It was amazing to me that without even buying anything, my family came home, noticed the change immediately, and said “Wow, that looks so much better!”

That’s what happened when she offered to give me help with my office.  She later transformed my kitchen by simply choosing new cabinet knobs and trading out different pictures that I already had elsewhere in my home. 

With Rebecca Hollowell, I find a little goes a long way! She has a fresh set of eyes that can make any area better.

I highly recommend her for any transformation, large or small.


Certified Personal Growth Coach

I hired Rebecca to “clear the clutter” in my kitchen. I thought I was organized and had a place for everything. After my kitchen was completely upgraded and cleared out I realized how much stuff I was holding onto. 


Rebecca is magic and allows you to see the majority of our stuff is just about an old memory or an old story that we are holding onto. I didn’t use 80% of the things that were creating the clutter.  Rebecca works her magic in a gentle way without creating overwhelm.


I could only focus on a small area and she confidently walked me through step by step. If you want to experience how good it feels to clear your outer clutter, I recommend hiring her professional service, she is amazing.

Judy S.

When Rebecca walked into our kitchen, I had no idea the extinct of the change that was to occur. Plates, coffee cups, and glasses were removed from the cabinets and stacked in small piles. In a short time, divisions were made of those that were of no value, the useful ones in another area and finally, those items that were precious to us in a third area. Later, the easily reachable shelves were reloaded, leaving the top shelves for our treasures... a pair of wooden candles holders made by Uncle George for our 40th Anniversary... Dan's Mother's Ruby Glass Bowl and 4 Antique bottles from Wales.

Simple, not cluttered, spaced, arranged, organized with Rebecca's professional eye. Now each day, when the cabinets are opened, the organized item is readily available and the top shelf memories fill my heart and head. Not only did Rebecca make that day a joy for me, but each day since. The combination of Rebecca's talent to organize, eliminate clutter and then include precious memories each and every day that I open a cabinet, makes me smile with pure joy. What a gift that day and throughout the year! 

Thank you, Rebecca!

©2019 Rebecca Hollowell

Web Designs by Jackie

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